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  • While drawing I discover…(Dario Fo)

While drawing I discover…(Dario Fo)

Drawing Time: 20min Daily:)

While drawing I discover what I really want to say.”

― Dario Fo

Happy Thursday and happy sketching! Be sure to check out the Feedback Thursday at the end.

Featured Product

So I’ve gotten some questions on this product on whether it is real leather.

I just upload a video to the listing showing how you can tell it is genuine leather.

Keep it Simple

Simple profile sketch of curly haired woman

Profile sketch of a man with 80’s hair

Keep it Interesting

Charcoal sketch of woman in lipstick and hat

Sketch of a wily character in cap


Value sketch and wash of urban man in white t-shirt

Photo Portrait

Photo portrait of forest woman

Photo portrait of man on a winter walk outdoors


Value study of Tuscan hillside villa


Pen and ink sketch of a grass roof cottage

Stylized painting of an elegant woman

Quick Surfing Trips:

Feed Back Thursday

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Daily Sktchr’s Review of the Day:

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Happy Sketching


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