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  • A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.(― Salvador Dali)

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.(― Salvador Dali)

Drawing Time: 20min Daily:)

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.

― Salvador Dali

Homework edition! Scroll to the end for some links to keep you busy through the weekend:)

Keep it Simple

Quick sketch of a cute little girl

Rough sketch of an elderly man

Sheep drawing

Keep it Interesting

Ink wash sketch of a young woman in a hat

Drawing of a man with piercing eyes


Sketch of a construction worker

Photo Portrait

Photo portrait of a gypsy woman


Monochrome wash of a waterfall

Fantasy illustration of mountain ruins

Weekend Watchlist:

Cognitive Bias Drawing Hack:

One difference of watercolor painting compared to Oil or Acrylic, is it’s unforgiving nature. You want your first stroke to be your best stroke because the paper and medium will punish you for overworking it.

A mentor of mine mentioned how this could make one timid, scared of ruining expensive watercolor paper. The solution? Buy in bulk. Even though 300lb watercolor paper is expensive, having a bunch of spare sheets in your closet helps you to be more confident in your work. This reflects some flavor of the ‘scarcity bias’.

I find this same timidity on the first page of a new sketchbook. I don’t want someone to open the cover and first drawing they see to be garbage! This kind of artificial pressure can affect your drawing, both external and internal. If you notice it in your work, here is what I recommend: newsprint.

Nobody every framed newsprint (mostly;)

Newsprint is cheap and abundant.

You can fit a lot of drawing on one page of newsprint.

This little hack helps take the pressure off results and lets you focus on process, putting in the reps with out worrying about ‘is the drawing good enough.’

In the end, the math behind how good of an artist you can be is very simple: there is a direct proportional relationship between the strength of your skill and how many pen & pencils you have worn out!

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Happy Weekend Sketching


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